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Low Retention Tips

Sample retention can be a mayor contributor to pipetting inaccuracy, and siliconization of tips has proved unsatisfactory because of autoclaving and contamination problems. AHN Biotechnologie has developed a new polymer, that produces a “super slick surface” on our new Premium-tips, that actually improves with autoclaving and cannot leach from the tip surface. On average, Novelle Polymer and AHN Premium-tips reduces the tip retention by near 85 % and decreases the standard deviation of the retained volume by more than 75 %.

Also liquid handling accuracy and precision are crucial to success in today’s molecular biology laboratories, especially for DNA analysis and protein handling. A significant culprit of pipette inaccuracy is binding of sample. The AHN Premium-tips reduces the binding, thus increasing sample delivery accuracy. Tests demonstrates that AHN Premium-Tips significantly reduces the amount of DNA and protein bound by the tip. Furthermore AHN Premium-Tips offer a marked improvement over the best low retention technologies.